Why The Correct Dance Attire Is Important
Dress codes for dance class are put into place for good reasons! Just like any other sport where the appropriate uniform and protective...

Reasons to Start Your Child in Dance at a Young Age
The truth is, it is never too early to start your child in dance! No matter the age, there are always benefits. As you probably know, in...

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work - The Importance of Parents and Teachers Working Together
When considering the best dance studio for your child, most likely the first question you would ask yourself is “Are they good?”, in the...

Why Dance Over The Summer?
Summer is almost here and I’m sure you couldn’t be more ready for it! Although everyone deserves a solid break to rest and revamp, taking...

Recital 101
Recital time is one of the most exciting seasons of the year! Sometimes, with the excitement comes stress and the feeling of being...