Beating The Back-To-School Blues
“But I’m too tired!” It’s that time of year again! School is back in session and after-school activities abound, meaning “I’m too tired”...

3 Signs You've Chosen The Right Studio
How do you know you have chosen the right dance studio for your child? It may be challenging to decide where to enroll your child, but...

TDA Gives Away $2,000 in Scholarships to Families Affected by COVID-19
In an effort to better serve families during these unprecedented times, Tonawanda Dance Arts gave away $2,000 in dance scholarships to...

Stretching For Your (Mental) Health
Dancers are known for their sometimes circus-like contortions, whether it’s pulling a leg to their forehead or bending their back in a...

The Gift of Gratitude
The dictionary defines gratitude as an expression of being grateful and showing deep appreciation for a benefit or kindness. What it...