Why is the Dress Code Important?
It’s a common question to hear from dance parents and students alike: What purpose does the dress code actually serve? We’re glad you...

Why Dance Costumes?
Sparkles, sequins, glitter and rhinestones! If you have even been to a dance performance, then you are familiar with these common...

Staying Warm In Dance Class When It's Really Cold Outside!
If you live in a climate with intense winters such as Buffalo, NY, you're going to want to layer up for dance class! But, what can you...

Benefits of Recital Costumes
One of the most special moments for a child during the dance season is when they try on their costume for the first time. After a little...

How To Clean Your Dance Shoes
It’s about that time of year when your dance shoes tend to get a bit smelly! You’ve been working hard all year and your shoes are proof....

Why The Correct Dance Attire Is Important
Dress codes for dance class are put into place for good reasons! Just like any other sport where the appropriate uniform and protective...