In The Spotlight: Miss Whitney!

Miss Whitney has been dancing for 18 years. At first, her mom used to have to dance for her because she was shy and wouldn’t participate! As the years went on, she really started to love it. Her favorite style is, well… all of them! Miss Miranda was the one who really inspired her to take dance seriously and make a career out of it. She is forever thankful for all the teachers she has had and am grateful to have grown up here at TDA!
Whitney’s mom has always been her number one supporter, her dad is her rock and her brother is one of her biggest fans! She is forever grateful for the endless support her family gives me. She also has two dogs chihuahuas of her own who she loves more than anything! Bandit is 13 and Leon is 5.
In Miss Whitney’s spare time she likes to sing! She doesn’t think she is very good but she is working on it ;) Her favorite food is chicken and one interesting fact about her is that she recently started training on aerial silks!