In The Spotlight: Assistant Miss Whitney!

Miss Whitney has been dancing for 15 years! Her older sister also danced so she was always hanging out at the studio as a little girl. That’s what inspired her to start taking class! Her favorite style is Musical Theater because she loves playing roles and taking on characters. She also loves it because the choreography is usually sharp and strong!
Whitney’s mom’s name is Mary and she is a Kindergarten teacher. Her dad’s name is Bruce and he is a defensive driving teacher and stay-at-home dad. Her sister’s name is Lily and she goes to Syracuse for Economics. Lastly, Whitney has 2 dogs and 3 fish!
When Miss Whitney isn’t at dance, she loves to be at her job! She loves to work and loves her coworkers. She also enjoys going to school and challenging her mind. Plus, she loves to online shop!
Fun fact… Miss Whitney won a basket raffle with a certificate for a free class for a year at TDA! In, 2012 she got to take hip hop for free which was her first year dancing at TDA. Finally, her favorite food is chicken finger pizza.