Attending Competition Without Your Teacher Present

The spring season is the busiest time of the year for dance studios! Attending competitions is just one element that occupies teachers’ attention. It's tough for everyone to juggle the competition schedule in addition to their teaching schedule!
The dance studio teaching staff understands that each aspect of their job is important. They enjoy working with all their students and treat each one equally with no exception! Their students rely on them every week in class to learn, grow and have fun! Consistency is key in the classroom. Sometimes, that may mean that a teacher has to miss a competition.
As professionals, teachers always prepare their competitive students to be independent and know what to do before they go on stage. They give them the tools they need to be successful and confident! Most dance studios will make sure that another representative from the studio will be their as a reference for anything the student needs at competition.
Remember that your teacher is always there with you in spirit and cheering you on!