Benefits Of Dance

If you are thinking of enrolling your child in a dance class, you may be surprised to learn what a good move this may be. Take a look at what benefits research has proven that dance provides to children.
Become active.
Develop coordination, balance, strength and stamina by moving across the floor, stretching, and leaping into the air.
Build muscle strength and increase flexibility.
Develop a sense of balance, improve agility and coordination, and promote joint health.
Improve brain function, which is achieved through use of memory and rhythm skills.
Develop body awareness and learn correct posture.
Relieve stress and feel relaxed.
A fun way to meet new friends.
Develop essential social skills through interaction with other students.
Group choreography fosters teamwork, communication, trust and cooperation.
Builds confidence, focus, motivation, and discipline.
Dancers naturally display confidence, self-esteem, and poise.
Children who dance become less concerned with body image.
Develop communication, teamwork, and leadership skills.
Develop a positive lifelong attitude about staying active and healthy.
Sparks a child’s imagination and nurtures individual creativity.
Dance classes promote physical self-expression in a supportive and structured setting, which can help children who have limited physical abilities, who act out, or who have a difficult time sitting still.
Teaches the basic elements of creative movement, which includes concepts such as time, space, rhythm and design.
Develop expression of self through non-verbal cues.
Develop musicality.
There is a strong correlation between involvement in the arts and increased educational achievement.
Develop time management skills.