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Dancer Of The Month: November/December 2024

Welcome to our "Dancer of the Month" spotlight, a special space where we celebrate the unique talents, hard work, and vibrant personalities of our studio’s dancers! Each month, our teachers select one dancer from their classes who embodies the values of dedication, positivity, and a love for dance. From our smallest beginners to our advanced performers, these dancers light up the studio with their passion and inspire their classmates. This month, our teachers have shared a few words about each of these incredible students and why they chose them for this honor. Let’s dive into the stories behind these standout dancers and discover what makes each of them shine!

Autumn Gibbs

Autumn Gibbs was chosen by Miss Ashlyn. She is 7 years old and takes Kidance Tap!

"Autumn was chosen as Dancer of the Month because she truly shines in class every week! She’s always thoughtful and kind to her teachers and classmates, making sure to create a welcoming and supportive space for everyone who walks in the door. Autumn works hard and is never afraid to step up and try something new, whether it’s testing out new steps or demonstrating combinations and steps from past classes. She’s a great friend to her fellow dancers and loves to show off her moves during the free dance portion of our classes. I’m so proud of her dedication, positive attitude, and the joy she brings to our classroom!" - Miss Ashlyn

Ember Roalsvig

Ember Roalsvig was chosen by Miss Abby. She is 4 years old and takes Boppin' Kids Ballet!

"Ember comes into ballet quietly focused and ready to learn each week! Her eagerness and excellent listening is reflected in how well she knows all of her steps and terminology. Ember is also a patient and kind friend to all of her classmates and is a fantastic addition to our class. I’m so glad that I get to dance with her this year!" - Miss Abby

Antonia Opiela

Antonia Opiela was chosen by Miss Gloria. She is 6 years old and takes Kidance Tap, Ballet, and Hip Hop!

"Antonia is a great friend to her peers, and is always willing to help a teammate feel comfortable in class and/or lend a helping hand. Her kindness in and out of class is wonderful to see!" - Miss Gloria

Brianna Opiela 

Brianna Opiela was chosen by Miss Gloria. She is 6 years old and takes Kidance Tap, Ballet, and Hip Hop!

"Brianna comes into class every week smiling, ready to participate, and is very focused. She always tries her hardest and is improving each week!" - Miss Gloria

Juliette Larson

Juliette Larson was chosen by Miss Marissa. She is 2 years old and takes Boppin' Tots!

"Juliette loves dance class. She does a great job coming into class and following directions. She loves to dance with the scarves to "Let It Go". Great job, Juliette!" - Miss Marissa

Eliana Maas

Eliana Maas was chosen by Miss Kayleen. She is 8 years old and is on the Petite Competition Team!

"Eliana has grown a tremendous amount in her dance career in the past year. She has taken on full team and a solo and is crushing it! She continues to work hard and challenges herself in and out of the studio." - Miss Kayleen

Gracelyn Gonas

Gracelyn Gonas was chosen by Miss Sam. She is 4 years old and takes Boppin' Kids Tap, Ballet and Tumble!

"I have loved watching Gracie grow as a dancer and person the last few years. Gracie is always pushing herself to try new things in Tumble and use correct terminology in Ballet. Gracie also always has the best and funniest stories to share with me. I'm so proud of you Gracie! You are truly so special!" - Miss Sam

Elizabeth Henry

Elizabeth Henry was chosen by Miss Ginger. She is 5 years old and takes Kidance Ballet and Acro!

"Elizabeth is great to have in class. She executes all the steps well, is patient with her classmates and is showing tremendous growth! Keep it up, Elizabeth!" - Miss Ginger

Audriana Graf

Audriana Graf was chosen by Miss Tammy. She is 12 years old and is on the Teen Competition Team!

"I selected Audriana because she is such a hard worker and she is always up to trying any new skill I give her without a complaint. She continues to learn and grow as a Leader in Training. Audriana has a pretty difficult solo season but continues to push herself past her limits to only find out she is capable of even more. I enjoy working with her more and more every season." - Miss Tammy

Brynn Dumansky

Brynn Dumansky was chosen by Miss Miranda. She is 15 years old and is a part of the Senior Competition Team!

"Brynn has been showing up and working hard in each class; she comes into both group classes and private lessons ready to work and learn. She is a great teammate who encourages others and has been stepping up to challenges this year!" - Miss Miranda

Grace Wing

Grace Wing was chosen by Miss Lauren. She is 10 years old and takes Primary Hip-Hop!

"Grace always comes into class with such an upbeat attitude and I always look forward to seeing her each week! She is always filled with energy and you can tell she just loves to dance! She works so hard and is always respectful, encouraging and ready to learn. Keep up the good work Grace!" - Miss Lauren

Eliza Zirnheld

Eliza Zirnheld was chosen by Miss Brooke. She is 3 years old and takes Boppin' Kids Ballet!

"Eliza comes into dance every day smiling and ready to learn! She is very patient and kind. She works extremely hard every single week! Keep up the great work, Eliza!" - Miss Brooke

Gracelyn Liebig

Gracelyn Liebig was chosen by Miss Whitney. She is 10 years old and takes Advanced Hip Hop!

"Gracelyn brings such a fun energy to our hip hop class every Thursday. She is working really hard on all the new skills and combinations we are working on in class and I am so proud of how she jumped into this higher level class this season. She makes us all smile and inspires everyone around her!" - Miss Whitney



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