Dancer of the Month: September 2023

Congratulations to our students who have been working so hard both within and outside of their TDA Classroom! Each of our Dancers of the Month have been specially chosen by their teacher to be featured for displaying respect, dedication, and a love for dance.
It's time to recognize these awesome kids who we are so proud of!!

Delaney Quinn
Delaney is 4 years old and has two favorite colors - orange and green! Her favorite food is Hot Dogs and she loves dance, stuffed animals and coloring . Delaney's favorite book is The Very Hungry Caterpillar and her favorite TV show is Paw Patrol. Delaney loves tap class, and also enjoys doing somersaults! When Delaney grows up, she wants to be a firefighter!! You're amazing, Delaney!

Ella Lombardo
Ella is 2 years old, and enjoys goldfish as her favorite food! In her spare time, Ella loves Scootering and Yoga! Her favorite book is Dinosaur Dance and her favorite TV show is Cocomelon. Ella loves all kinds of dance, but especially enjoys shaking her egg shakers! Ella's favorite color is purple, and when she grows up she cannot wait to be a Mama! Ella, you're fantastic!

Camryn Lorich
Camryn is 8 years old and she loves dancing, playing softball, camping, going to the beach, cruising, hanging with friends, making bracelets and filming videos with her sister! Camryn's favorite food is Takis and her favorite color is green. Camryn loves Judy Moody books and her favorite movie is Elemental! When she grows up she wants to be a daycare teacher. Camryn loves lyrical and acro, and her favorite dance move is Kick-Step-Touches in Hip-Hop. Way to go, Camryn!

Fiona Ward
Fiona is 12 years old and she loves Singing, Dancing, Art and Playing her Oboe in Band! She began vocal lessons this summer, and has maintained Honor Roll at school for over a year. She has great ambitions to be a Dance Teacher, Songwriter and a Band Director when she grows up. Her favorite food is Dippin' Dots and her favorite color is Champagne Pink. Fiona enjoys reading the Harry Potter series and watching Coraline. She is very excited to have started Leaders In Training this year, and loves Lyrical and Acro. Soem of her favorite things about dance include Pep talks and Improv. Wow, Fiona!!!

Raegan Sherwood
Raegan is 3 years old and she loves to eat hot dogs! Her favorite color is pink and some of her favorite things include dance, Disney movies, anything Halloween, reading and playing with her little sister! Raegan's loves all books, especially the 'A little Spot of Emotion' book series and her favorite movie is 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'! Raegan loves Tap because of the cool sounds the shoes make and really enjoys free-styling to great music! Raegan wants everyone to know that although she is shy sometimes, she loves going to dance because everyone is friendly and she loves to do somersaults! When Raegan grows up she does not want a job, because she doesn't want to work hard but instead just wants to have fun. We hear you, Raegan!!

Lily Ortel
Lily is 7 years old! She loves the color green, and her favorite food is green beans! Some of Lily's favorite things include playing games. Her favorite book is 'Book of mammals ' and her favorite movie is 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'. Hip Hop is Lily's favorite style of dance and she enjoys doing the 'Skeleton Dance' the most! Lily loves unicorns and dragons and when she grows up she wants to be an astronaut!

Abigail Baldwin-Giambrone
Abigail is 4 years old and her favorite food is pizza with black olives! She loves the color blue and she enjoys crafts, painting, dancing, playing candy land. Abigail's favorite books are Frozen books and her favorite show is Paw Patrol. Abigail is still deciding what she wants to be when she grows up, but one thing she does know is that she loves her daddies, tap class and jumping on the trampoline! You rock, Abigail!

Giana Juliano
Giana is 7 years old, her favorite style of dance is ballet and she really enjoys free dance! Giana's favorite color is purple and she loves McDonalds' Big Macs. Her favorite books are Magic Tree House books, and she enjoys watching 'My Perfect Landing' and playing with her friends! When Giana grows up she wants to be a teacher. Super, Giana!

Gabriella Bronson
Gabriella is 6 years old, loves the colors blue and purple. Gabriella and enjoys tacos, dancing, fishing and hanging with her family! Gabriella's favorite style of dance is jazz and she really enjoys practicing her splits . Gabriella loves reading “Sweet Gabriella” and watching "Good Luck Charlie". In the future, Gabriella wants to be a teacher! Dream big, Gabriella!
The following individuals were chosen for as a TDA Dancer of the Month, but chose not to have a feature written about them at this time:
Audrey Griggs
Meadow Kagels
Nylah Belle Jean
Brynn Dumansky
Round of applause and a standing ovation for all of our Dancers of the Month! We're so proud of your achievement, and love seeing you work hard and be amazing both within and outside of TDA's doors!