Dancers Of The Month!

Congratulations to these amazing students who have been working so hard both in and outside of class! They all show respect, dedication, and a love for dance. We're so proud of them! It's time to recognize these awesome kids!

Skylar Reimer
Skylar is 10 years old and loves to eat mashed potatoes! She loves art, nature, and animals. Her favorite color is blue and she loves Hip Hop! Skylar's favorite book is Winn-Dixie and when she grows up, she wants to be a Veterinarian or a singer. You rock, Skylar!

Marcus Banks
Marcus is 4 years old and loves all the colors of the rainbow! His favorite food is chocolate and his favorite book is Goodnight Moon. He loves to play soccer, run like “Sonic”, and play with cars. Marcus also loves to read books and learn how to write his letters! His favorite style of dance is ballet and when he grows up he wants to be a Police Officer. Lastly, Marcus loves to help people, play with friends, and spend time with family. Keep up the great work, Marcus!

Kaia Julyan
Kaia is 6 years old and loves the color purple! Her favorite food is bacon and she loves to read the Junie B Jones series. Kaia's interests include baseball, watching YouTube videos, going on rides at amusement parks and playing with her sister. Her favorite type of dance is freestyle and ballet! When she grows up, she would like to be a fashion designer. A fun fact about Kaia is that she will be going to Disney World for the 1st time next month! Great job, Kaia!

Arianna Mason
Arianna is 9 years old and loves drawing and dancing! Her favorite color is pink and she loves to eat mac and cheese. Dork Diaries is her favorite book series and her favorite styles of dance are jazz and lyrical. A fun fact about Arianna is she just started school at Performing Arts this year! When she grows up, she wants to be an artist. Way to go, Arianna!

Thea Kiebzak
Thea is 5 years old and loves to eat cheese pizza! Her favorite book is the Sophie Mouse series and she loves the color cyan. Thea's interest include coloring, playing on the playground, singing and dancing. Her favorite style of dance is acro, but she also loves dancing in her own unique way! When she grows up she would like to be a teacher! Amazing work, Thea!

Emma Zwelling
Emma is 10 years old and her favorite colors are baby blue and white. She loves to eat goulash and enjoys reading, drawing and dancing. Emma's favorite style of dance is acro and she loves to read Five Nights of Freddy Fazbear Frights Into the Pit! When she grows up, she wants to be an animator and a dance teacher. Awesome job, Emma!

Aubrey Meister
Aubrey is 11 years old and her favorite food is pasta and strawberries! She loves the color red and loves dancing, drawing, and reading. Aubrey's favorite book is Unplugged and her favorite styles of dance are tap and jazz. When she grows up, she hopes to be a dancer and an author. A fun fact about Aubrey is that she has three pets - one dog, and two cats! You're the best, Aubrey!

Ethan Gallo
Ethan is 7 years old and his favorite style of dance is Hip Hop. He loves doing Baby Freezes everywhere he goes! His favorite color is blue, and he loves to eat chicken wings. Ethan's interests include soccer, golf, swimming, Legos, engineering, and hip hop! His favorite book is The Bad Seed By Jory John and when he grows up, he would love to be an inventor! You're amazing, Ethan!

Benji Gostseay
Benji is 2 years old, loves the color red, and loves to eat grapes! His interests include Sesame Street and dinosaurs. Benji's favorite dance is The Hot Dog Dance and his favorite book is I Love You Just Like This! When he grows up, Benji would like to be a superhero! A fun fact about Benji is he knows all his letters and can count to 13. Keep being great, Benji!

Abby Milbrandt
Abby is 3 years old and her favorite color is purple. Pizza is her favorite food and she enjoys reading Disney Princess nighttime stories. Abby loves to dance, sing, and play with her dolls and Disney Princesses! Her favorite style of dance is free style and acro... she really likes flipping! Abby loves to have dances parties and is always the star of the show. When she grows up, she dreams to be a teacher. Incredible job, Abby!