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February's Featured Dancers

Congratulations to our outstanding dancers who have been working so hard both in and outside of class! Featured as Dancers of the Month or TDA's More Than Just Great Dancing Culture Student, they all show respect, dedication, and a love for dance.

It's time to recognize these awesome kids!


MTJGD Culture Student:

Leelah Smith

Meet Leelah! Leelah is 8 years old and TDA's 'More Than Just Great Dancing' (MTJGD) Culture Student for February! Leelah's favorite colors are red, green and blue. She enjoys school, dance and gymnastics and hopes to have her own YouTube channel when she gets older! Leelah's favorite book is 'Dork Diaries' and she has two pocket hippos! In Leelah's family is Mom, Sissy, Grandma, Papa, Auntie and Jake. Leelah's favorite food is a hot dog and her favorite style of dance is acro! You're awesome, Leelah!


Dancers of the Month:

Paityn Hein

Meet Paityn! She is 10 years old and loves strawberries, soccer, softball and dance! She's a big fan of Hip Hop, Lyrical and reading 'Goosebumps'! Paityn a Mom, Dad, Siblings (Kelsey & Bentley), Dogs (Mya and Kiara) Cats (Smokey and Nite Nite). Her favorite color is blue and she wants to be a professional gamer when she grows up! Paityn loves dancing, and can't wait to do a solo next year! We're so excited for your solo too, Paityn!

Ryan Ensminger

Meet Ryan! Ryan loves the color yellow and her favorite foods are chicken and mac and cheese! She enjoys dance, skiing, cheer, field hockey, softball and reading her favorite book, 'Kittens First Full Moon'! Ryan is 17, and one of our Leaders in Training. When she grows up up she wants to be an Elementary School Teacher! In Ryan's family, she has her Mom, Dad, Brother, Dog (Milo), and Fish (Brazil). Her favorite genres of dance are jazz and acro and she is a HUGE Toronto Blue Jay's fan! We are so proud of you, Ryan!

Riley Dennahower

Meet Riley! Riley's favorite restaurant is Applebees and she loves the color purple! Her favorite type of dance is acro and she wants to be a dance teacher when she grows up! Riley loves dinosaurs and 'Ryan's World'! Her current favorite book is 'Willa of Dark Hollow', and she is 6 years old! Riley's family includes her brother Gavin, Mom, Dad, Dog (Duke) and Cat (Mickey)! Keep reaching for the stars, Riley!

Julia Kilijanski

Meet Julia! Lucy is 6, her favorite style of dance is acro and she wants to be a teacher and dance teacher when she grows up! Julia's favorite color is pink and her favorite food is pizza! She has two cats and loves to build towers with her blocks, read books, play on the playground, color, sing and dance! Julia's favorite book is the '5-Minute Disney Pixar Stories'! In her family is her Mom, Dad, and all of her fur siblings! You're fantastic, Julia!

Emmerson Henslet

Meet Emmerson! Emmerson is 8 years old, and her favorite colors are pink and purple and she loves tap! She loves swimming, playing hockey, and dancing of course! Her favorite foods are pizza and french fries and her favorite books are The 'Unicorn Academy' Series. When she grows up she wants to be an art teacher. Emmerson's family is made up of Mom, Dad, Brother (Kellan) and Sister (Sloan)! Keep tapping, Emmerson!

Morgan Kopera

Meet Morgan! Morgan is sixteen years old, and she loves reading 'Every Last Word'! Her favorite color is pink and she loves strawberry smoothies! Morgan enjoys shopping, seeing her best friends, camping and painting. Her favorite genres of dance are Lyrical and Hip Hop. In her family, Morgan has her Mom, Dad, Sister and two dogs. When Morgan grows up she wants to be an early education teacher! You're on your way, Morgan!

Mackenzie Cummings

Meet Mackenzie! Mackenzie is 5 years old, and loves pizza, books, coloring/drawing, dancing and singing! Her favorite color is blue and she'll read just about anything. Mackenzie's family includes her Mom, dad, and Blake. Mackenzie is always grooving and when she grows up she wants to be a dancer! Keep moving those feet, Mackenzie!

Autumn Gardner

Meet Autumn! Autumn is 16, her favorite color is blue, and favorite food is chicken fingers with blue cheese! Some of Autumn's favorite things are hiking and adventuring out in nature, and will always choose a movie over a book! Autumn's family is made up of her Mom, Dad and two older brothers! Her favorite style of dance is contemporary, and she is continuously learning and about she wants to be when she gets older! You're doing awesome, Autumn!

Alexis Barger

Meet Alexis! Alexis is 10 years old and her favorite food is pasta! Her favorite color is purple and her favorite styles of dance art Hip Hop and Jazz! Alexis is exploring her options surrounding what she wants to be when she grows up and knows she has time to learn and grow! Alexis' favorite book is 'Land of Stories', and some of the things she likes the most are swimming and arts and crafts! Alexis' family is made up of her Mom, Dad, James and her cat (Delilah). You're awesome, Alexis!

Molly Schmidt

Meet Molly! Molly is nine years old, and loves the color purple! Some of her favorite things are softball, dance and art! Her favorite style of dance is Musical Theatre! Molly enjoys reading 'Junie B Jones' books and is a big fan of bacon cheeseburgers! Molly's family includes Mom, Travis, Arya, Fred, Glitter Explosion and Dad! When she grows up, she wants to be a sports commentator! Super job, Molly!

Amelia Hodgins

Meet Ameilia! Amelia is seven and her favorite color is silver! She loves chicken nuggets, acro, playing with friends, swimming, and going to school! Emma's family includes her Mom, Dad and older sister (Lyla)! She has two ferrets, two fish and one gecko and her enjoys reading Amelia Bedelia books. When Amelia grows up she wants to be an ear piercer and a baker! Keep it up, Amelia!

Kenley Brown

Meet Kenley! Kenley is nine years old and she loves the colors pink, purple and eating tacos! She enjoys dance, swimming, all things bending and twirling and would love to be a veterinarian when she grows up! Kenley's favorite books are the 'Dork Diaries', and her family consists of her mom, dad, brother, ours dogs, cats and guinea pigs and dart frogs! You're fantastic, Kenley!



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