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TDA's Newest Featured Dancers

Congratulations to these amazing students who have been working so hard both in and outside of class! Featured as Dancers of the Month, or TDA's More Than Just Great Dancing Culture Student, they all show respect, dedication, and a love for dance.

It's time to recognize these awesome kids!


MTJGD Culture Student:

Millie Schult

Meet Millie! Millie is 12 years old and TDA's very first 'More Than Just Great Dancing' (MTJGD) Culture Student! Her favorite color is lavender and her favorite book is 'Report Card'. Millie enjoys dancing, baking, cooking, listening to music and being a Leader in Training at TDA! In her family, Millie has her Mom, Dad, two brothers (Leo and Cosimo) and her sister (Flo). Millie's full name is Amelia and when she grows up, she would like to be a Pediatric Occupational Therapist! You're amazing, Millie!


Dancers of the Month:

Alexandria Davis

Meet Alexandria! She is six, loves pink, unicorns and shoes and was Elsa for Halloween! Alexandria has a Mom, Dad, brother and a dog. She wants to be a dance teacher when she grows up! Her favorite type of dance is Cheer Dance, and she is on a hot streak with awards! On top of 'Dancer of the Month', Alexandria was recently Student of the Month at School, and Member of the Month after school! Wow, that's awesome Alexandria!

Harper Mills

Meet Harper! Harper loves the colors purple and pink and her favorite food is chocolate! She enjoys amusement parks and reading her favorite book, 'Nibbles'! Harper is four and when she grows up she wants to be a Police Officer! In Harper's family, she has her Mom, Dad and her Dog named Disney. Her favorite things are Dance and Soccer! One fun fact is that her Auntie Em used to be a TDA Dancer, too! We are so proud of you, Harper!

Evelyn Walker

Meet Evelyn! Evelyn's favorite food is chicken nuggets and she loves pink and purple! Her favorite type of dance is tap and she wants to be a Doctor like her Mommy when she grows up! Evelyn loves dance, gymnastics, skiing, playing with her baby dolls and acting silly with her big brother! Her current favorite book is 'Sulwe'! Evelyn's family includes her Mom, Dad, big brother (Ethan) and her dog (Moose)! Keep reaching for the stars, Evelyn!

Cheyenne Markward

Meet Cheyenne! Cheyenne is 17, her favorite style of dance is lyrical, and she has been dancing with us since starting as a Tiny Tot! Cheyenne's favorite color is black and her favorite food is ravioli! She loves mediumship, learning new languages, and enjoys reading about Crystals, Gems and Metals. Cheyenne is currently teaching herself Arabic and wants to be a history teacher when she grows up! In her family, she has her Mom, Dad, two sisters, and her grandma. You're awesome, Cheyenne!

Raina Deitrick

Meet Raina! Raina is 14 years old, and her favorite color is Pastel Teal! She loves pizza, dance, drawing, painting and reading. Raina's favorite style of dance is lyrical or contemporary and she would like to be a dancer or a Marine Biologist when she grows up! Raina's favorite book is 'Six of Crows', her favorite holiday is Christmas and her family is made up of her Mom, Dad and brother! You're outstanding, Raina!

Flordamary Sanchez

Meet Flordamary! Flordamary is 11 years old, and her favorite book is Harry Potter! Her favorite colors are teal and yellow and she loves to eat rice and mac and cheese! Flordamary enjoys dance, cheer, swim vollyball and doing makeup! In her family, she has her Mom, Dad, a sister Catalia and a brother Lazarus. and enjoys making crafts with them. When Flordamary grows up, she wants to be a Dance Teacher! You're on your way, Flordamary!!

Alexis Crosby

Meet Alexis! Alexis is 14 years old, a third-degree black belt, a dancer and a Barisax player! Her favorite color is orange and her favorite food is Stouffer's Mac and Cheese. Alexis' interested include Tae Kwon Do, musical theatre and reading and her favorite style of dance is Acro! Her favorite book series is 'Keeper of the Lost Cities' and she wants to be a Social Studies Teacher when she grows up! Alexis' family includes her Mom, Dad, little sister Hannah and little brother Zachary. Keep it up, Alexa!!

Gianna Esposito

Meet Gianna! Gianna is three years old, she goes to 'Shining Stars' Pre-School and her favorite colors are blue and rainbow! She loves dancing, playing with slime and jumping on a trampoline and her favorite book is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. Gianna enjoys free style dance, Ballet and Acro! Her family includes her Mom, Dad and little brother Elliot and she is a lover of the Buffalo Bills! Gianna loves rice and chicken wings, and hopes to be a Police Officer when she gets older. Way to go, Gianna!



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