What do you LOVE about Dance?

In the spirit of Valentines Day, we asked what you love about Dance, Tonawanda Dance Arts and our TDA Team, and your responses were heart-warming. We loved reading, re-reading and re-reading again the responses that came in so much, that we decided we needed to share some of them with you!
Here is what you told us you love about...
About Dance:
"I love the feeling I get when I'm dancing"
"I love seeing the joy on my daughter's face when she's dancing"
"I love being able to tell my story through choreography and movement"
"Dance makes me happy and feel good"
"I love sharing a passion in dance with my friends"
About TDA:
"That my daughter is able to grow up dancing where I grew up dancing!"
"That my daughter adores going"
"TDA has been an amazing outlet over the past two years. It was a place we felt comfortable going and always knew they were doing the best to keep our kids safe."
"That they really know the kids and always welcome you when you walk in the door."
"That you offer Boys classes and empower them to dance."
About our TDA Team:
"Everyone is so patient, kind and professional!"
"That the teachers focus on the kids having fun, being safe and being happy first!"
"All the teachers in the classroom are such great role models for the kids."
"My daughter goes home and plays "Dance Teacher" and pretends to be her favorite people - her dance teachers!"
"The teachers all care about the kids, and are so happy to see them every week!
We loved hearing your responses so much, that our teachers participated as well! Here are our favorite responses from our teachers:
Dance: "Dance has been the constant, the passion, and the literal love of my being!"
TDA: "At TDA I found a home; a family; a career; and a purpose."
The TDA Team: "Our team pushes me to be a better teacher and person always! They have become my best friends and are always rooting for me. I look forward to seeing them every day!"